Be Connected is an Australia wide initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world. We have online learning resources as well as a Network of community partners – the Be Connected Network – who offer support so you can develop your digital skills and confidence. Find a local place for friendly help and advice, or join the Network to help others.
U3A Bright has partnered with Be Connected to help deliver this program and has members who have volunteered to assist others with learning about their digital devices – smart phones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, either Apple or Android or Windows.
We start with the absolute basics (what is a computer, tablet, smart phone) and getting to know your particular device and getting started online. We touch on online safety, very important these days, but if you know how to look after yourselves online it can be very entertaining and productive!
How about calling the kids, or better yet, the grandkids, using a video call? If you have never done this, it may seem daunting at first but once you have done it, you will be hooked! How good is it to see the little ones if you can’t actually be there?
How about a hobby? Plenty of possibilities……
Are you into family history? No problem!
Just want to play some games? Explore what you can do.
Perhaps it is the more serious stuff like the dreaded MyGov……..
Our classes will be every (or most!) Mondays at 10.30 – 12.00 at U3A HQ with time for cuppa. Bring your own device – phone, tablet or computer – we are here to help!